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Gift Cards

A great gift for any occasion — can be used for Lift Tickets, Lessons, Rentals, Food/Beverage, Ski Shop & More! Gift Cards/Certificates never expire.

As a reference, here is pricing for our popular products:
$95 – Adult (18-64) Lift Ticket
$85 – Junior (6-17)/Senior (65+) Lift Ticket
$99 – Saturday Night POP, Pay-One-Price Ticket (6pm-10pm)
$125 – Starter Special: Beginner Group Lesson, Rentals and Full Day Lower Mountain Lift Ticket

Buy Gift Card

Purchase a gift card

Refill a gift card

Add money to your
existing Season Pass/
Gift Card/Cafe Card
or LTSR student program tag

Check Gift Card Balance

Check your card’s balance

NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES are available for any of these products.

Printable Gift Certificate

Buy Printable Gift Certificate

You can order a Printable Gift Certificates that you can print out from your computer – no need to wait for it to come in the mail. After you place your order, you will receive an email with a link to print out the Printable Gift Certificate for immediate use!